Ashley Cunningham

Massage therapist treating a client.


Welcome to my website! I am a professional massage therapist who is dedicated to helping others feel their best through the healing art of massage. Massage therapy can help with reducing stress and anxiety from everyday life while also increasing flexibility and range of motion in joints. It can assist in faster healing of muscles caused by injury and creates an overall feeling of well being.

I got into massage because when I first heard about it as a career it resonated with me as I strive to help others create balance and wholeness in their lives. I am passionate about helping the body heal its self. I’m committed to creating sessions as unique as you are. I utilize my knowledge of the body to meet your specific needs.

My job is to make you feel blissful, whole and all around amazing. Please contact me with the information on my “contact me” page.  Thank you for allowing me to contribute to your overall health.